Charlie & Vero


Charlie and Vero are characterized by their smile, strength, and determination.

They specialize in Salsa dancing, incorporating elements of Puerto Rican style on 2 with influences from Cuban Son. They skillfully fuse and blend these styles with Afro-Rumba, creating a vibrant and flavorful dance experience!

Verónica Lopez began her professional dance journey in 2008. In 2010, she took a bold step and established her own dance company called "Diamantes de Rumba." Over four years of dedicated work, she gained significant international recognition in this style.

Within a short span of time, Verónica achieved the title of runner-up in the solo category at the INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF LA NEGRA PASOS LIBRES 2012, a prestigious global dance competition.

Charlie's dance journey started in 2005, and by 2008, he had joined the esteemed dance company "Sabor a Fuego." For four years, he honed his skills and gained invaluable experience, performing throughout Spain and various European countries.

In 2012, the paths of these talented dancers converged, and they began their journey as dance partners.

Since then, their partnership has flourished, showcasing their remarkable chemistry through eight captivating performances. They have become one of Spain's most prominent dance couples, spreading their energy to every corner of the country and beyond. They have graced stages in the Netherlands, England, France, USA, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Lebanon, Germany, Cyprus, Romania, India, and many more, captivating audiences with their shows, teaching engaging classes, and sharing countless memorable moments on the dance floor!

In 2014, Charlie Zafra earned the distinction of being the runner-up in the men's freestyle category at the international competition. Simultaneously, Verónica López claimed the title of World Champion in the women's category—an achievement she successfully defended in 2015.

The same year, they triumphed as champions at the Open ShowDance 2015 in Spain.

Despite their busy schedule, they continue to travel the world, spreading joy and sharing their love for Salsa in all its magnificent forms.

Huelva , Spain  

+34 662 10 23 81